
Poetic Crossings - Empowerment

~ Poetic Crossings - Empowerment ~
Featuring Marco Nereo Rotelli and Darren M. Grine
Colorado – September 2009


World renowned Italian artist Marco Nereo Rotelli  joined Sioux poet Darren M. Grine in his exhibition at Denver’s  RMCAD entitled, "Poetic Crossings." As part of his time there, Rotelli directed 150 elementary school students from Denver’s Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy in the painting of a 40-yard canvas with a visual translation of Grine's poetry.


Marco Nereo Rotelli - Poetic Crossings:

Space - Non-Space, Empowerment

Sioux poet Darren M. Grine joined famous Italian artist Marco Nereo Rotelli in an exhibition entitled “Poetic Crossings” in collaboration with Denver’s Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design (RMCAD) in September 2009. Rotelli specializes in integrating poetry into his artwork and is a native of Venice. He has exhibited in major international museums, galleries and shows. Additionally, he has also done an installation on the Champs Elyse'es, and one for the Louis Vuitton Company. Rotelli’s main event focused on a project where he directed 150 elementary school students from The Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy of Denver in the painting of a 40-yard canvas called “Color Crossings” with a visual translation of Darren's poetry.

The Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy serves K-2 students as a preferred Denver Public School. The academy's focus is on science, technology, and mathematics with an active approach. Part of their mission is to empower students to become leaders in their community. The students' participation illustrated the useful aspects of art and gave them the chance to utilize their skills in a useful and creative manner.

After the painting event at the school, the student’s art canvas went on display in RMCAD's Philip J. Steele Gallery along with 30 petite paintings from Marco Nereo Rotelli which centers around the concept of cultural empowerment. Many of the paintings included Darren’s poetry.

Marco and Darren also teamed up for a performance piece called "Poetry Crossings" at the Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver in which Rotelli visually translated Darren’s poetry on parchment scrolls as he read from his poems, the scrolls were then available for the audience to take for their own keepsake.


Marco created videos about his empowering and inspirational "Poetic Crossings" event. His uniqueness of video creation portrays artistic elegance at its worldly best. You can view them by clicking on the links below:


Children's Poetry - The World's Longest Picture - Marco Nereo Rotelli



Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design - Marco Nereo Rotelli


Finished Children’s “Color Crossings” Canvas Painting at the Philip J. Steele Gallery and Other Images from the Events















Who Would Have Known?
Entrance Wall at the Philip J. Steele Gallery


Key People ~ Poetic Crossings
L~R,  Sabine Moosbrugger,  Marco Nereo Rotelli,  Darren M. Grine,  and Elena Lombardi,  Marco’s Assistant



~ Acknowledgements ~


I was honored to be a participant in Marco Nereo Rotelli’s Poetic Crossings Project. I would like to thank Marco for the opportunity to contribute to his empowering and unique event.


I would also like to express my appreciation to Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design for inviting me to collaborate with Marco and for coordinating the event.


In addition, I would like to thank the Tattered Cover Bookstore for giving me the opportunity to read my Native American poetry.


I would like to thank Sabine A. Moosbrugger for her support and contribution to the project.


Darren M. Grine




Copyright © 2009 - 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction of content or pictures in any form is strictly prohibited. All "Tribal Dreams" artwork is property of Marco Nereo Rotelli, it cannot be used without his written permission.